
  • Evolutionary Law of Rhythm Harmonization
    The evolution of technological and natural systems does not always follow a linear path of performance improvement. A fundamental principle of innovation is the harmonization of rhythms among the parts of a system through coordination and de-coordination. This concept applies to various fields, from mechanics to biology, from engineering design to social organization. The Paradox…
  • Increase in Complexity Followed by Simplification: An Evolutionary Principle for Innovation
    The evolution of technological systems follows a recurring pattern: initially, complexity increases with the introduction of new functions and improvements; subsequently, the system is simplified to optimize performance, reduce costs, and enhance usability. This principle, extensively studied in TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), serves as a strategic key to understanding and anticipating the future…
  • Chinese AI Innovation and Geopolitical Rebalancing: A TRIZ Perspective
    In recent months, the global technological landscape has been shaken by the arrival of Deepseek, an open-source artificial intelligence app developed in China that has rapidly conquered international markets. Not only has it become the most downloaded app in the United States and the United Kingdom, but its impact has triggered a real revolution, causing…
  • Evolution Towards Dynamism and Controllability: The Key to Efficient Systems
    The TRIZ evolutionary law describing the trend of systems towards increased dynamism and controllability is one of the most relevant principles for understanding technological evolution. This law explains how systems tend to become increasingly adaptable and adjustable over time, enabling better performance and greater flexibility. What Do Dynamism and Controllability Mean?A dynamic system can quickly…

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